ZF English

Rompetrol gets CET Midia for 2m euros

12.01.2005, 00:00 15

The consortium made up of Rompetrol Rafinare (Petromidia) and Rompetrol Group NV - Netherlands this Monday won the tender for 56.57% in the CET Midia cogeneration plant for 76.89bn ROL (1.98 million euros), according to officials from the Ministry for Economy and Trade. According to the ministry officials, the companies in the Rompetrol petroleum group headed by businessman Dinu Patriciu have committed themselves to an investment programme worth 8.19 million euros over a five-year period. The new owner will have to allocate 4.23 million euros from this amount to investments in 2005 and also to increase share capital by the amounts allocated for investment. In the final stages of the tender, Rompetrol managed to shake off competition from electrical power supplier Energy Holding, which has announced plans to enter the energy production market. Rompetrol SA, the management arm of the Rompetrol Group, owns the remaining 43.43% in the thermoelectric power plant in Midia. ZF


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