ZF English

Sicomed sells property, becomes Zentiva

19.12.2005, 18:57 18

Pharmaceutical company Sicomed Bucharest will put up for sale a 30 hectare-plot of land that it does not use, which is located inside the platform occupied by the company in Eastern Bucharest, once the shareholders approve this move. The price of the land in the area is of about 60 euros/square metre, so that Zentiva, Sicomed''s new owner would stand to collect nearly 20 million euros out of this deal. The National Securities Commission (CNVM) has recently decided to extend the tender offer put out by Zentiva to buy the Sicomed shares it does not own by one month until January 6, 2006 inclusive. The company management will also propose to have Sicomed''s name changed to Zentiva, during the general meeting of shareholders scheduled for January 13, 2006. ZF

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