ZF English

Six more Internity shops next year

15.12.2003, 00:00 21

The expansion of the Internity chain by opening new shops and buying companies already specialising in distribution of GSM terminals and accessories are the main goals of Avenir Telecom Romania for 2004. "We want to remain among the most important players on the domestic mobile phone distribution market. The expansion on the market will be done organically, by opening six more locations in the first half of 2004, to add to the already existing 25," said Petrut Stoica, general manager of Avenir Telecom Romania, part of the French Telecommunications Group Avenir Telecom. Acquiring other dealers of GSM phones and accessories is one of the expansion options. Established in 1997 when the first GSM network in Romania was launched, Avenir Telecom is now a dealer of mobile telephony services for Orange. The company has distribution contracts concluded with Nokia, Motorola, Alcatel, Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Sagem and Siemens. Avenir Telecom Romania logged some 12.2 million-euro turnover in 2002, compared with 10.6 million euros in the year before. According to Stoica, the company will conclude 2003 with 7% or 10% higher revenues. ZF


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