ZF English

Six new Motor Jeans stores by yearend

14.05.2008, 18:55 14

Paradis Star, master franchiser of Motor Jeans, intends to open another six stores this year, in the wake of a 300,000-euro investment. "The opening of a Motor Jeans store entails an investment that can range from 40,000 to 60,000 euros, which includes setting up the area and arranging the merchandise. We have recently opened a store in the Bucharest, in Baneasa Shopping City, with the other cities targeted being Arad, where we will open a store at the end of the month, Constanta, Piatra Neamt, Suceava and Zalau," Angela Utescu, general manager of Paradis Star, told ZF. The Motor Jeans brand has been present on the local market since 2000, and there are 30 stores currently open, 15 of which operated by franchisees. This year's store chain expansion will bring the company's sales to around 780,000 euros. "Last year, we posted turnover worth 600,000 euros, and for this year we have budgeted a 30% turnover increase," added Utescu.

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