ZF English

Smithfield invests 6m euros

21.02.2006, 20:51 9

Frigorifer Tulcea, the biggest frigorific warehouse in Romania, and a member of the American group Smithfield, is investing 6 million euros in the first frozen vegetable plant in Romania. The plant, located in Tulcea, will reach a production capacity of 10,000 tonnes per year in the next five years, accounting for half of the market''s current volume. "This is the most important project that Frigorifer has been involved in the last few years, both for the novelty it brings in terms of production and for the way it is organised. No one has ever developed a project of this type with agriculture being the starting point. We invested in agriculture first and then in the plant," stated Bogdan Grama, chief executive of Agroalim Distribution. The company concluded partnerships with farmers from Tulcea, Braila and Constanta to secure the entire amount of raw material necessary for production. ZF

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