ZF English

Sogeco sells 4.12m euros' worth of coffee machines

29.05.2007, 19:24 16

Sogeco Romania, held by the Italian group Saeco, one of the leading producers of coffee machines, estimates that it will see a 4.12 million-euro turnover this year, an increase of 3% in financial indicators against 2006, when the Orastie-based company posted sales worth 4 million euros. "The increase in this year's turnover is largely prompted by the fact that the number of orders from customers in the Saeco group has remained steady. The number of orders are also expected to increase in the second half of the financial year," stated the general manager of Sogeco Romania, Loredana Pintea. Sogeco does not sell its products on the domestic market. From 2000 up until now, the Italian group has invested over 10 million euros in its production centre in Orastie, Hunedoara county. "The main growth sources on our market include the securing of contracts for various brands, while our market increase also concerns the transfer of goods from various production locations within the group," Pintea says.

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