ZF English

Spanish group Roca targets 40% of sanitary ware market

02.10.2007, 18:56 25

Spanish group Roca, the largest sanitary ware producer in the world will invest around 10-12 million euros in doubling its production capacity on the Romanian market after taking over the sanitary ware division of Lasselsberger, the former Cesarom Bucuresti, for which it paid 8 million euros. The acquisition was part of a more extensive transaction amounting to 29 million euros, by which Roca also took over the Croatian producer Inker, also controlled by the Austrian group Lasselsberger. Starting this year, the Spanish will start producing Inker-branded sanitary ware on the Romanian market. Cesarom sold unbranded sanitary ware, that is why the value of the acquisition of Cesarom's sanitary ware division was smaller than that of the acquisition of the Iker plant in Croatia. We will not make further acquisitions on the Romanian market within the next few years, but we will invest in doubling the production capacity," said Juan Jorda, general manager of Roca Romania. The Romanian sanitary ware market has an approximately 10-15% yearly growth rate, reaching around 125 million euros last year. Currently, the company estimates its market share stands at 25%, and will reach 35-40% within the next five years.

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