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Terapia Ranbaxy to transfer production of 8 drugs to Romania

Terapia Ranbaxy to transfer production of 8 drugs to Romania
30.10.2007, 19:54 12

Drug producer Terapia Ranbaxy has increased the production capacity of its Cluj-based plant by 20%, which will enable the production of eight drugs to be transferred from India to Romania. "There are at least eight products in the process of being transferred from India to Cluj. The pilot-batches are ready, and the registration files are ready to be submitted to authorities in several European countries," said Dragos Damian (photo), CEO of Terapia Ranbaxy. The drug plant in Cluj is the Indian group's fourth largest plant, which is currently optimising its portfolio of injection drugs, with a large part to be transferred to Romania. Between 2006 and 2007, Ranbaxy invested 20 million dollars on the Romanian market. Another planned investment targets a water purification project, which is estimated to be worth one million dollars. "In 2008, our priority is to consolidate our market position. A second goal would be to launch all the products planned for 2007 as part of an aggressive strategy, along with the products scheduled for 2008, (...)," added Damian.

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