ZF English

Top insurers in terms of productivity

15.04.2008, 20:20 10

ING Asigurari de Viata, Generali and Asiban are the insurers that boasted the most productive employees in 2007, reveals a ZF survey conducted on the basis of data provided by the top ten insurers on the market.
In the case of ING, gross underwritten premiums per employee averaged 460,000 euros, while the company registered turnover worth 149m euros and an average number of 321 employees last year.
Compared with 2006, the productivity of the Dutch life insurer's employees increased by 15.6%, while their number climbed by 4.2% and turnover added 20.5%.
ING is followed in this ranking by Generali, which in 2007 reported gross underwritten premiums worth 325,000 euros per employee. Generali's turnover gained 35% in 2007, and reached 114.5m euros, while its number of employees climbed by 11%. Turnover per employee went up by 21.6% against 2006.
In fact, all the top ten insurers that operated on the Romanian market saw productivity per employee rise last year. Top insurer in terms of productivity gain is Unita (76.1%), followed by Omniasig (64%), Asiban (38.6%), BCR Asigurari (31.6%) and Generali (21.6%).
The second half of the ranking drawn up in terms of the increase of turnover per employee includes ING Asigurari de Viata (15.6%), Astra-Uniqa (14.7%), Asirom (13.6%), Allianz-Tiriac (10.1%) and BT Asigurari (7.9%).
The third top ten insurer in terms of the value of gross underwritten premiums per employee is Asiban. Last year, Asiban posted 186,000-euro turnover per employee. The company's average number of employees climbed by 8.2%, while turnover rose by 50%, and reached 185.8m euros.
Allianz-Tiriac comes fourth in terms of turnover per employee. Last year, this indicator stood at around 185,700 euros, from 169,000 euros in 2006. The company, which ranked first in terms of gross underwritten premiums, had an average number of employees of almost 2,000 in 2007, 6.4% above the 2006 level.
Unita ranks fifth with turnover worth 168,000 euros per employee. Unita last year was the top ten insurer that boasted the fastest turnover growth, of 87.5%, after gross underwritten premiums reached 137.8m euros.
The top 10 insurer with the biggest increase in terms of the number of employees was BT Asigurari. From 2006, the company's average number of employees jumped by 27.2% to 1,421, but the insurer stays at the bottom end of the ranking drawn up in terms of employee productivity. The only top 10 ten insurer that reported a lower number of employees in 2007 was Asirom.

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