ZF English

VAE Apcarom sales increase four-fold

28.07.2005, 19:36 5

Railroad equipment manufacturer VAE Apcarom Buzau turned over 7.8 million euros (28.7 million RON) in the first six months of the year, nearly four times higher than in corresponding period of 2004. The company made 3.5 million RON (almost one million euros) in net profits in the first six months, which compares with 380,000 euros in losses in the same period last year. "The company maintained its upward trend in terms of revenues and profitability that began in the first quarter. The larger portfolio of orders than in the same period last year, combined with the measures taken to improve efficiency with a focus on labour productivity, helped achieve better results than forecast in the spending and revenue budget for this year," the report the company filed with the Bucharest Stock Exchange shows. ZF

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