Ziarul de Duminică

Personal computers and mobile phones

13.04.2001, 00:00 22

Catalin Ambrono graduated from the Automation and Computing Faculty from Iasi in 1989 and was sent to Installations and Automations Trust from Braila, where he worked for four years.

As this company fared badly after the Revolution, Ambrono decided to start his own business in Iasi and to further continue his work at Braila. He established EuroBIT, a company producing software for accountants, at the end of 1992.

"I used to come to Iasi over the weekends in order to find clients. It was quite difficult, as the accountants worked with the "Japanese," namely those desk calculators able to perform only four operations.

When I explained which were the advantages of using a PC, they look scared, as if they thought the PC would replace them.

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