ZF English

HVB wants people to save

04.11.2004, 00:00 7

In a market in which customers are won and lost on the basis of competitive loan deals, HVB Bank has launched two three-year savings products in an attempt to encourage individual customers to save. This represents a further step by HVB in its strategy to tap into the retail banking segment. The minimum amount required to open a savings account is 150 euros or dollars, or six million ROL, compared to the 2,000 euros required for traditional deposits. "Market research shows the reflex to save is much more developed in Central and Eastern Europe than in the West," explained Manuela Plapcianu, who heads the retail division of HVB, during the launch of the new products. The two types of accounts now available are called Contul Flexibil (the Flexible Account) and Contul de Economisire pentru Credit (Savings Account for Loans). The results of a recent national poll conducted by GfK show that 24% of people plan to save in the next 12 months, while 52% are positive they will not. ZF


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