ZF English

Xerox Romania sales, up 16%

31.01.2005, 00:00 8

Turnover registered by Xerox Romania last year went up 16% as compared to year 2003, to 40 million dollars, as a result of the expansion of the digital printing operations, according to the general manager of the Xerox branch in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, Marius Persinaru. "In 2004, Xerox expanded its range of digital products, particularly along the key segments of colour digital equipment and document management services," said Persinaru. Last year, Xerox launched a number of 40 new products and installed some last generation colour printing equipment in Romania. "We are optimistic about the future evolution of the Romanian digital printing market. This market is still a new one in Romania, but it is evolving quite rapidly," added the official of Xerox in Romania. For 2005, Xerox Romania targets turnover growth by 15-20%. ZF


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