The DIY market is likely to reach critical mass this year: 100"construction supplies hypermarkets", operated by the seven largecompanies on the market that primarily operate on the retailsegment. While some players still have tens of million euros toinvest, others are speaking about the "imminent" closing of somestores, reads Business Construct magazine.
Since then, the market has expanded each year in the wake ofinvestments that can now be put at 800-1,000 million euros, throughwhich 93 such stores were raised, operated by seven companies thatlast year generated overall sales of around 900m euros.
But how much more can this market absorb? "I am quite certainthat some Bucharest stores will close in the following years. It isa highly crowded market. On other markets there are three or fourcompetitors. Here there are six or seven (...)," says NicolaSzekely, country manager with BauMax.
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